Feeling Overwhelmed & Reflecting on 2016

This is a rather different type of post for me. I didn’t plan this but sometimes it’s necessary to just be simply honest and spontaneous.

Right now, I have a lot to do. And I don’t know where to start. I always say to my mum that it’s better to start somewhere because then there’s one less thing to do. I need to take this advice. I’ve learnt that although I posses the ability to persevere, I don’t respond well to events that disturb the plan that I’ve already set out for the day. When I write my to- do list in the morning and then something comes along to lower the possibility of me achieving what I had hoped to- I just feel ridiculously disheartened.

I’m coming to understand that things will never go perfectly to plan but like I always say, everything happens for a reason. Recently, I’ve started asking God to take complete control of my day  from the moment I awake. This way I know that whatever is taking place is God’s plan, not mine- and that’s the best way for things to go down.

This year I’ve realized that I can often control the extent of my stress. A few months ago, the smallest things were stressing me out and I found myself repeating that ‘life is too stressful’ aloud.


This is a really negative way to think. I needed to learn that I have control of  how I react to pressure. So recently, despite how unimaginable it sounds, I’ve decided stress isn’t going to rule me anymore. It’s difficult, but I’m trying. I know stress is a natural human emotion but-like any other feeling,  we can maximize and minimize it’s magnitude.

2016 was most probably the biggest year of my life thus far. I completed my GCSEs, got my results, got a job, had prom, turned 16 and started my  A Level courses. It was the year of change. I wouldn’t say that I’m a creature of habit but 2016 genuinely pushed me and I had to adapt to more than usual. I’ve been looking back proudly upon the amazing things that took place this year but I’m also thinking about what I’m expected to achieve next year and how I’m going to do that.


I know I’m not the only one who tends to take on a burden. We all take on different stresses and whether that burden is associated with events of the past or anxieties of the future, they don’t belong to us. To know that God is the one who hung the stars in the sky and ‘feeds the birds of the air’ (Matthew 6:26) reminds us that we are not to worry because when Jesus died on the cross, He took away any burden we could ever try to carry ourselves. We are free.



Quote of the day:

Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.

Proverbs 16:3


God bless,


14 thoughts on “Feeling Overwhelmed & Reflecting on 2016

  1. chloeconstance says:

    Wow, definitely needed to read this today. So much has been going in my life right now but I just need to slow down take a step back and put complete trust in Him because after all, God only knows what’s best for me. That was a great post! Keep it up. 💕

    Liked by 1 person

    • GirlsMyAge says:

      Thank you so much for reading my post and deciding to follow my blog. i honestly appreciate it so much, you have no idea beautiful. I pray that 2017 is a great year for you too and the least I could do is check out your blog girl! Xx

      Liked by 1 person

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